The primary version of the logo is preferred for a consistent brand identity. The two colors used for the primary logo are CME Dark Blue and CME Bright Blue.
The secondary version of the logo is appropriate for applications that can’t capture the dimension and detail of the primary logo.
In contexts where color is limited, the one-color logos may be used in CME Dark Blue, or in black and white if the CME Group color palette is unavailable. When using the logo in a single color, or reversed on a field of color, please ensure there is enough contrast between the logo and the surrounding color.
The CME Group logo should always be crisp and legible. If there isn’t enough contrast between the background and the primary logo, use a version of the secondary logo.
To determine the clearspace, make a square box that matches the dimensions of the globe, and place it at each of the corners of the logo. These rules apply to all versions of the CME Group logo.
To ensure the CME Group logo is always clear, the globe height may be no smaller than 3/16″ or 20 pixels.
A unique logo has been created for all communications within the Chinese market. The Chinese suite of logos follows the same rules as the standard CME Group logo: area of isolation, legibility concerns and proper usage. This version of the logo should not be used in communications outside of China.